1: Start your day with a nutrient-packed smoothie. Blend spinach, berries, and protein for a powerful anti-inflammatory start.

2: Avocado toast with whole grain bread is a delicious and filling option. Top it off with tomatoes and drizzle of olive oil.

3: Overnight oats with walnuts and chia seeds are an easy make-ahead breakfast. Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra anti-inflammatory benefits.

4: Egg frittata with veggies is a protein-packed breakfast option. Customize with your favorite Mediterranean ingredients like olives and feta cheese.

5: Greek yogurt with honey and almonds is a quick and satisfying breakfast choice. The probiotics in yogurt can help reduce inflammation.

6: Chia pudding made with almond milk and topped with fresh fruit is a tasty anti-inflammatory breakfast. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids.

7: Sardines on whole grain crackers are a protein-rich breakfast option. The omega-3 fatty acids in sardines can help reduce inflammation.

8: Quinoa porridge with cinnamon and nuts is a warm and filling breakfast option. Quinoa is a complete protein that provides lasting energy.

9: Mediterranean-style omelette with olives, tomatoes, and feta cheese is a flavorful and anti-inflammatory breakfast option. Enjoy with whole grain bread.


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