1: 1. "Harvey Specter: When you're backed into a corner, break out the sledgehammer." 2. "Louis Litt: In life, you're either a doer or a complainer. Guess which one I am?" 3. "Donna Paulsen: Let them underestimate you. It's the best advantage you can have."

2: 4. "Mike Ross: It's not about the law, it's about people. Remember that." 5. "Rachel Zane: Sometimes the best decisions are the hardest to make." 6. "Jessica Pearson: Power is not given, it's taken. Remember that, young ones."

3: 7. "Alex Williams: Loyalty is earned, not demanded. Remember that." 8. "Samantha Wheeler: Don't let anyone ever tell you your worth. You define it." 9. "Katrina Bennett: Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication."

4: 10. "Robert Zane: Strength comes from facing your fears head-on." 11. "Daniel Hardman: In business, you're either the hunter or the prey. Choose wisely." 12. "Gretchen Bodinski: Kindness is not a weakness, it's a strength in disguise."

5: 13. "Travis Tanner: Sometimes the best revenge is success." 14. "Sean Cahill: Trust is fragile, once broken it's hard to repair." 15. "Anita Gibbs: Power is not about control, it's about influence."

6: 16. "Cameron Dennis: Sometimes the law is not just black and white, it's gray." 17. "Jeff Malone: In business, it's not about who you know, it's about what you know." 18. "Norma Lawrence: Success is not measured by money, it's measured by impact."

7: 19. "Katrina Bennett: Perseverance is the key to success, never give up." 20. "Malik Gorman: Sometimes the best way to win is to make your opponent underestimate you." 21. "Gretchen Bodinski: Integrity is priceless, never compromise it for anything."

8: 22. "Nathan Krueger: Confidence is not about arrogance, it's about self-assurance." 23. "Monica Eton: Don't be afraid to take risks, they often lead to great rewards." 24. "Helen Ross: Success is not about reaching the top, it's about maintaining your integrity."

9: 25. "John Bennett: Reputation is everything, protect it at all costs." 26. "Amy Linden: Collaboration is key in achieving success." 27. "Jimmy Kirk: In business, it's not about winning every battle, it's about winning the war."


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